They actually sell stuff as opposed to what they did in OFB (pester customers until they left angry and losing loyalty points). in my experience NPC employees work better in GTW. This is not very important to me but it's a difference nonetheless so it should be mentioned. Price levels in GTW are global store-wide. OFB allowed you to set price levels for different items within the store. This is more costly and only allows my rich families to have businesses. In GTW you are required to purchase another lot for your business. In OFB you could start a home business. GTW includes a tiny shopping district with 4 lots (residential/retail) OFB +1 GTW: 0 OFB included a whole shopping district called Bluewater Village with 10 residential lots and 23 commercial lots. That being said, there are some obvious differences: These include new toys, robots and flowers.In my opinion retail is similar in OFB and GTW and I am really enjoying the retail aspect in GTW. Special objects that can't be bought in buy mode. A new system of skills that affect how well sims perform tasks. New rewards that help run your business better. Reviews your business and can increase or decrease customer flow. This tells you important information about your business such as your business rank, what customers have been there and employee information

Venues: Sims buy tickets and interact with objects on the lor.Restaurants: Sims buy food and dine on the lot.Shops: Sells objects or services at a price.They can be run at home or on community lots. The Maxis-created version (Bluewater Village) comes with new families and several examples of businesses that can be run. New features included in Open for Business include: Aspyr released a port of the game for Mac OS X on September 4, 2006. The Sims 2: Open for Business is the third expansion pack for The Sims 2, released on March 3 2006, which allows Sims to run a home or community lot based business.